Thursday, January 21, 2010

Newcomers Scholarships

Newcomers/Longtimers Club Grants Ten Scholarships

At the December business luncheon of Newcomers/Longtimers, Brenda Love, Immediate Past President, awarded ten scholarships to local students. The winners were selected through an interview process and granted scholarships based upon need, grades and interviews.

Recipients from the Registered Nursing program at Columbia College were Marcie Bettencourt and Frank Reller - school coordinator is Linda Claycomb. From the Practical Nursing program at Eldon Career Center winners were Randy Robinett and Kathy Neeley - school coordinator is Shelly Wehmeyer. Technical scholarships were given in the Marine Engine Division of the Lake Career and Technical Center to Jimmy Colvard, Peter Dreste, Joe Halcomb, Randy James, James Shortell, and Jayson Vaughn - school instructor is Larry Wittrock. The Scholarship Committee also recognized each school with Certificates.

Judy Barrett led the Scholarship Committee as Chairman. Participating on the committee were Roberta Renicker, Janet Mills, and Mary Gaston.

This presentation was made possible by proceeds from the Fifteenth Annual Home Tour, Second Annual President’s Premier, Silent Auction and Raffle Tickets purchased at N/L Cards and Games. For more information on the N/L activities, please call Membership Chair, Sandy Biggum, 365-6963 or visit their website at:

Back Row Pictured L-R: Randy Robinett, Frank X. Keller IV, Joe Halcomb, Jayson Vaughn, Randy James

Front Row Pictured L-R: Kathy Neeley, Marcie Bettencourt, Linda Claycomb, Peter Dreste, Brenda Love, Jim Colvard, Shelly Wehmeyer, Roberta Renicker, Larry Wittrock, James Shortell, Judy Barrett

Not Pictured: Janet Mills and Mary Gaston

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